February 18, 2025

Weigh in on the hiring of Christina’s new superintendent with 5 public meetings

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Christina's 5 public hearings to hone search for new superintendent begin Wednesday.

Christina’s 5 public hearings to hone search for new superintendent begin Wednesday.

The Christina School District, one of the largest in Delaware, is having 5 community gatherings to gauge the public’s wants and needs as it searches for its new superintendent after months of drama.

“The Christina School District invites students, families, staff, and community members to take part in our Stakeholder Feedback Meetings,” the district said in a statement.

It added these important sessions will be led by Ray and Associates, the firm it’s hired to help us find the next Superintendent.

“We want to hear your thoughts on the key characteristics and qualities you believe our new leader should possess,” the district stated. “This feedback is vital as it will help shape the profile of the next Superintendent, ensuring they meet the needs of our community. Join us on the following dates, times, and locations to share your input and make a difference in our district’s future.”

Don Patton, president of the Christina School District Board of Education, said that in his many years living and working in CSD, the few loudest voices have determined many of the most important educational decisions.

“I believe the selection of a new superintendent must be a priority for all of us,” he said. “Over the past few years we have outspent most of our neighboring school districts, with little positive progress in student outcomes.”

Change happens at the speed of trust, he said.

“I believe the way to change this pattern is with a total commitment, involving all stakeholders, in selecting a transformational, experienced leader that is transparent, collaborative, trustworthy, inclusive and committed to our students, families and school board members,” Patton said.

The announcement comes after the district asked people to complete a survey that allowed parents and community members to check characteristics or priorities they value most in the next superintendent.

RELATED: Christina opens search for permanent superintendent, asking the public for priorities

For example, one is “Makes recommendations and data-driven decisions,” another is “Possesses an earned Ed.D. or Ph.D. degree,” and another is “Is able to work with legislators on key topics and can lead an organization throughout the legislative process.”

There’s 31 options, and survey-takers can check up to 10.

There was also an open-ended text box for participants to answer “What would you like prospective candidates to know about your district and community?”

Background on Christina’s search

Last July, the board voted after a seven hour meeting that lasted to nearly 3 a.m. to boot Dan Shelton from his superintendent position, just two years after he was named Delaware Superintendent of the Year.

Shelton allegedly yelled at an employee and made them uncomfortable, but those that voted him out were frustrated with the direction the district was going. Other chaos in the district included the Department of Justice monitoring board meetings for a year – something unprecedented, accusations of Board Member Naveed Baqir being unfit to serve since he has been living overseas, votes of no confidence for Board President Don Patton, and what feels like a billion violations of Robert’s Rules of Order, a longstanding method of maintaining order and parliamentary procedure during meetings. It creates a structure for speaking order, properly voting, and more.

The voted on anything controversial usually ended in a 4-3 vote, with the majority consisting of Patton, Baqir, Vice President Alethea Smith-Tucker, and Y.F. Lou, and the minority voters of board members Douglas Manley, Monica Moriak, and Amy Trauth.

In August of last year, Shelton hired the Neuberger Firm to represent him.

Thomas Neuberger, his lawyer, wrote a letter to the board’s lawyer asking for it to cease and desist its actions against Shelton.

It says the board owes Shelton damages for lost wages, harm to his reputation, emotional and physical distress.

The letter says Board President Don Patton and three other members have violated Shelton’s due process rights through “intentional, willful, wonton (sic) and reckless actions of these persons lawlessly ignoring settled law, as well as the advice of their attorneys.”

RELATED: Lawyer for Christina’s Shelton says board violating rights

In December, Shelton sued the district and the four board members who voted to not renew his contract.

RELATED: Ousted Christina Superintendent Dan Shelton sues district, 4 board members

The lawsuit is ongoing and includes an ask of $2,768,994 to Shelton for “destroying his good name, and violating his Due Process and contract rights.”

Christina’s Community Sessions

  • Community Session #1 – Wed Feb 19, 9:00-9:45 AM (virtual)
  • Community Session #2 – Wed Feb 19, 6:00-7:00 PM (virtual)
  • Community Session #3 – Wed Feb 19, 6:15-7:15 PM at Glasgow HS Auditorium
  • Community Session #4 – Thur Feb 20, 5:30-6:30 PM at Pritchett Academy
  • Community Session #5 – Thur Feb 20, 6:00-7:00 PM (virtual)

Student Sessions (various locations)

  • Various student groups will meet on Wed Feb 19 and Thur Feb 20

Staff Sessions (please see calendar invites for details)

  • Multiple staff sessions will be held on Wed Feb 19 and Thur 20
